I'm Kyle Evans, a Brooklyn based multimedia artist and programmer. I run the Bloom Coalition - a loosely affiliated network of sites organized around my various creative efforts. Bloom Foundry is the multimedia development and design branch - Echo Bloom houses my music work.
I received my BS in Computer Engineering (with a focus in Digital Arts and Sciences) from the University of Florida, and began working at National Public Radio as a researcher and project manager at NPR Labs, the company's broadcast research arm. In 2008 I relocated to Los Angeles to work with Topspin, a music technology company, as a Flash developer. In 2009 I made the jump to freelance work and in 2011 the move to Brooklyn. I've since worked with a variety of clients and agencies, including National Public Radio, Adobe, Propane Studio, Kid Bombay, Cory McAbee, and Send Me Mobile.
I specialize in a variety of different development languages - Javascript (including mobile HTML5 frameworks like Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile), OpenCart, Wordpress, Flash (AS3, AS2, Flex, AIR), PHP, CSS, MySQL. My computer science background gives me a strong understanding of design patterns and structure for enterprise-level coding projects, while my design background gives me the skills to render information attractively and efficiently. Having worked with a variety of companies at different stages of development, I've observed first-hand strategies that work, and strategies that don't. I bring that experience to bear in all of my client work.
My favorite Beatle is John Lennon. My favorite baseball team is the Chicago Cubs.

You should follow me on twitter: @echobloom
PDF Portfolio here